Rotary 3131 - Project Details

27-09-2015 - 27-09-2015

On the 27th September, sunay on Ganpati Viserjan, Our club has Distributed Water to all Ganesh Bhakt’s, with the help of Rotaract Club of Panvel & Rotaract Club of Laxmi Eye Institute of Optometry at C.K.P. Hall and front of Monika Offset Printing Press. Total No. of Beneficiaries were around 4250 Ganesh Bhakta's On this special day, our club has also distributed chikkis to all City police

Project Details

Start Date 27-09-2015
End Date 27-09-2015
Project Cost 25000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 4250
Partner Clubs Rotaract Club Of Panvel- 25 Rotaractors, Rotaract Club of Laxmi Eye College of Optometry- 12 Rotaractors
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others