Rotary 3131 - Project Details

31-03-2024 - 31-03-2024

RCP Synergy proudly served as an NGO partner for the LSOM (Last Sunday of the Month) Marathon held at Nanded City. This event marked a significant collaboration between various stakeholders, including community members, local authorities, and NGOs, to promote health, fitness, and community engagement. As an NGO partner, RCP Synergy played a vital role in organizing and facilitating the marathon, ensuring its success and impact. The event brought together participants of all ages and fitness levels to participate in the marathon, promoting physical activity and healthy lifestyles. Additionally, RCP Synergy leveraged its expertise and resources to raise awareness about important social causes and initiatives during the event. The LSOM Marathon at Nanded City served as a platform for fostering unity, camaraderie, and a shared commitment to well-being and community development. RCP Synergy's participation as an NGO partner exemplified its dedication to promoting holistic health and wellness, while also contributing to the betterment of society at large.

Project Details

Start Date 31-03-2024
End Date 31-03-2024
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 60
No of direct Beneficiaries 2000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment