Rotary 3131 - Project Details

18-04-2024 - 18-05-2024

Solar Electricity for 4 ZP schools in Bhor Taluka. A truly satisfying project, was great to see the excitement of the kids and the appreciation of the villagers. From need identification to planning and execution in just over a month. Thank you to CSR Partners: AFour Technologies, Vinayak Engineering Systems and Dr Deepak Kelkar ?? Special appreciation of the team from Eesha Solar who camped there over past couple of days to complete the commissioning before the handover today!!

Project Details

Start Date 18-04-2024
End Date 18-05-2024
Project Cost 650000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 20
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Thank you to CSR Partners : AFour Technologies, Vinayak Engineering Systems Special appreciation of the team from Eesha Solar who camped there over past couple of days to complete the commissioning before the handover today!!
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy, Happy Village