Rotary 3131 - Project Details

12-02-2024 - 12-02-2024

RCP Synergy organized an informative and impactful session on hygiene and sanitation for girls in their puberty age, featuring Dr. Nikita Kulkarni, a respected homeopathic doctor. Dr. Kulkarni delivered a comprehensive lecture focused on essential hygiene practices, the importance of sanitation, and how to maintain good health during puberty. She covered topics such as menstrual hygiene, proper skincare, and the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise. Dr. Kulkarni's approachable manner and expertise made the session highly engaging and educational. She addressed common concerns and myths related to puberty, providing practical advice and answering questions from the girls. This session aimed to empower young girls with the knowledge and confidence to manage their health and hygiene effectively during this crucial stage of their lives. RCP Synergy's initiative was a valuable contribution to promoting health education and well-being among the students.

Project Details

Start Date 12-02-2024
End Date 12-02-2024
Project Cost 2500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 35
No of direct Beneficiaries 250
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy, Disaster / Crisis Management, Disease Prevention and Treatment, Maternal and Child Health