Rotary 3131 - Project Details

26-02-2024 - 02-03-2024

Rotary Medical Mission initially started as Polio corrective surgical camps. Now Rotary Medical Mission provides surgical treatment covering General and Laproscopic surgery, Gynecological surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology and super speciality branches like Plastic surgery, Urology and Cancer Surgery. Coming to Jammu and Kashmir Surgical Mission this was 3rd Mission in Post COVID times. I am fortunate to participate in all 3 Surgical Mission 26 doctors from all across India in two teams worked at Rajouri and Poonch district hospitals. Rotary District 3131 & 3132 played a key role in organizing this camp. Rotary District 3070 was the Host District. This Mission was a collaboration of Rotary International and Government of Jammu and Kashmir. This mission was led by PDG Rtn Dr Rajiv Pradhan from 3132 and project chairman PDG Rtn Dr Girish Gune from our own District 3131. Team started journey from Mumbai on 24th February. After overnight stay at Mumbai team started towards the destination. Rajouri team took 4 hrs to reach and Poonch team took 7 hrs to reach their destination. This mission was quite challenging, due to extreme weather conditions with temperature variations from 3 degree centigrade to 20 degree centigrade. We started Our surgical session on Monday 26th Feb after a small Inauguration ceremony. Our club's Participation (Rtn DR SAGAR GUNDEWAR) is 15 surgeries in 6 days of around 40 Volunteer hours

Project Details

Start Date 26-02-2024
End Date 02-03-2024
Project Cost 250000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 40
No of direct Beneficiaries 15
Partner Clubs Districts 3131, 3132 & 3070
Non Rotary Partners Govt of Jammu & Kashmir
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment, End Polio, Special Projects