Rotary 3131 - Project Details

08-01-2024 - 08-04-2024

On the auspicious date of 8th January 2024, a momentous occasion graced the annals of the esteemed Rotary Club of Poona Downtown as the venerable Shri Ram Nath Kovind, Former President of India, ceremoniously inaugurated our most ambitious endeavor – the unveiling of the "SHRI BAHRI MALHOTRA RESIDENTIAL & VOCATIONAL HOME for Girls. This monumental undertaking took root when our esteemed Past President, Rtn Ashwini Malhotra, pledged a generous sum of US$ 250,000 in honour of Shri Bahri Malhotra, thus cementing his status as an AKS member. Collaborating with The Janaseva Foundation, renowned for its tireless efforts in uplifting destitute and underprivileged girls, seemed a natural progression, given Shri Bahriji's close affiliation with their noble cause. The donation, facilitated by Rtn Ashwini through his company Weikfield Foods Pvt Ltd as a CSR initiative, was earmarked exclusively for furnishing and equipping the home. Designed to accommodate 400 girls aged between 5 to 18 years, the overarching objective was to liberate these unfortunate souls from the harrowing grips of destitution, sparing them the indignity of begging or inhabiting squalid slums. Ensuring a nurturing environment replete with proper nutrition, educational facilities in municipal schools, and vocational training tailored to their aspirations became the cornerstone of this initiative. The vision was clear: by the time these girls reached adulthood, they would possess the skills and resilience necessary to navigate life's challenges, thereby breaking free from the vicious cycle of poverty. A home for 400 destitute, street dwelling and underprivileged girls in the age group of 5 to 18 years. They will be educated and given vocational training to make them self sufficient by the time they leave the home and will be able to support themselves and their families. We furnished it with bunk beds, office furniture, indoor/outdoor games, fully equipped modern state of the art Kitchen, industrial laundry to cater for 400 students and all other infra structure like Solar for lighting and running hot water, elevator, STP Plant, bore well and a bus for the students etc.

Project Details

Start Date 08-01-2024
End Date 08-04-2024
Project Cost 20722288
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 400
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Wakefield The Janaseva Foundation
Project Category Economic and Community Development