Rotary 3131 - Project Details

20-10-2023 - 21-10-2023

The Rotary Club of Poona Camp (RCPC) in collaboration with RCPD organized an Eye Check-Up camp on the 20th and 21st of October 2023. This event took place in Karandi village, approximately a 2-hour drive from Pune. The primary beneficiaries of this initiative were the students of Vidya Vikas Mandir School, ranging from standard IV to standard X, along with their teachers and staff, totaling 768 individuals (745 children and 23 staff members). A dedicated medical team of six professionals, including experts from Community Eye Care Foundation, were instrumental in conducting comprehensive eye examinations. On the first day, the team received support from three members of RCP Camp and three from our own Rotary Club. On the second day, two of our members extended their assistance. The President of RCP Camp, an alumnus of Vidya Vikas Mandir School, played an integral role in shaping this program. Rtn Vinod Dua, our Director-Medical, collaborated closely with him to design and implement the camp successfully. The dedicated efforts of Rtns Yezdi Batliwala, Pradip Munot, and PNN Iyer in the Village School were crucial in ensuring the event's success. RC Poona Camp seized the opportunity to promote the value of peace among the students of class X by organizing an on-the-spot essay competition. In a mere ten minutes, the students penned their thoughts on "Peace." All essays were diligently evaluated by the President of RCPC himself, and the winning essay was read out to all children, staff, and some local authorities who were present. The winning essay deeply resonated, especially considering the backdrop of ongoing conflicts in different parts of the world. In response to the poignant content, Yezdi Sir, one of our esteemed members, has requested a translation of the winning essay. As an incentive for the creative minds, RCPC presented 10 new bicycles to the authors of the top ten essays. This gesture not only recognized their efforts but also encouraged their talent and passion for promoting peace through the written word. Initiatives like the Eye Check-Up Camp and the Peace Essay Competition are not only commendable but also invaluable for our country. They reflect the commitment of Rotary Club of Poona Camp and RCPD to make a meaningful impact on the lives of the younger generation and to instill values that will shape a brighter future. Such visionary projects, as showcased in this report, serve as a testament to the transformative power of community engagement and conscious efforts to nurture the leaders of tomorrow.

Project Details

Start Date 20-10-2023
End Date 21-10-2023
Project Cost 22325
Rotary Volunteer Hours 40
No of direct Beneficiaries 768
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Pune camp RCPD
Non Rotary Partners Vidya Vikas Mandir School, Kharandi
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment, Economic and Community Development