Rotary 3131 - Project Details

16-03-2024 - 22-03-2024

In observance of World Water Day, the Rotary Club of Panvel Sunrise and the Janeev Samajik Seva sanstha, Panvel concluded a week-long water literacy campaign with a special event on March 22. Initiative 1 - "Let's Save Water" Often, unnoticed water leaks occur in household taps and related equipment, leading to significant water wastage. To address this, the two organizations launched the "Let's Save Water" campaign in Panvel city, New Panvel, and Karanjade across four housing societies. They conducted free inspections and repairs of all taps, flush tanks, sinks, wash basins, bathrooms, and toilets in 132 flats with the help of skilled plumbers to fix leaks and stop water wastage. This initiative successfully prevented substantial water loss, saving approximately 100,000 liters of water annually. The campaign brought a sense of satisfaction to both organizations and the housing society members. During the initiative, presidents, secretaries, committee members, and other members of the housing societies, along with members of both organizations, were present. The housing society members expressed their satisfaction and congratulated both social organizations for undertaking such a novel initiative. Initiative 2 – Drawing and Poem writing Competitions on "Water Awareness" As part of the Water Week, the second initiative, "Water Awareness," was conducted by the two organizations. The aim was to instill awareness about water usage among school students and, through them, reach their families. To achieve this, painting and poetry competitions on the theme of water awareness and conservation were organized for 8th and 9th grade students in secondary schools in Panvel and New Panvel. A total of 130 students participated, expressing their water awareness through their drawings and Poems. Initiative 3 - "World Water Day and Award Distribution" On March 22, 2024, World Water Day, the two organizations held an event called "World Water Day and Award Distribution" at the grand auditorium of K.A. Banthia College in New Panvel. The event aimed to instill water literacy among students and raise awareness about water wastage. The program began with the lighting of the lamp and worship of Goddess Saraswati by the Rotary Club of Panvel Sunrise President, Rtn. Balakrishna Ambekar, Rtn. Vijay Goregaonkar, Secretary RC Panvel Sunrise and President Janeev Samajik Seva sanstha, keynote speaker Dr. Satish Umriker, and other dignitaries. President Rtn. Balakrishna Ambekar gave an introduction, highlighting the various activities conducted during the Water Week and emphasizing the importance of conserving water to prevent future shortages. Rtn.Vijay Goregaonkar explained the significance of World Water Day and the theme for the year, "Water for Peace," stressing the need for mindful water usage and reuse. Dr. Satish Umrikar, retired Joint Director of the Groundwater Survey Development Agency, Maharashtra, delivered an engaging lecture on "Let's Learn about Water Happily," covering topics such as water age, rainfall measurement, rooftop water harvesting, and daily water usage. He demonstrated rainwater collection using an inverted umbrella, which captivated the students. Subhash Khadtale, a trustee of Janeev and retired executive engineer, detailed the inspections and repairs conducted in various housing societies to prevent water wastage. The award ceremony for the competitions held during the Water Week followed, with dignitaries presenting trophies, certificates, and cash prizes to the winners of the poetry and painting contests. Judges for the competitions, Sanjay Patil and renowned artist Prakash Patil, were honored. The event concluded with a water awareness pledge led by Janeev trustee Mrs. Akkalkote and a vote of thanks. The program was skillfully anchored by Rtn. Rupesh Yadav, with support from the principal, faculty, and staff of Banthia College. Attendees included Rotary Club members, Janeev trustees, and other distinguished guests.

Project Details

Start Date 16-03-2024
End Date 22-03-2024
Project Cost 8000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 1300
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Janeev Samajik Seva Sanstha, Panvel
Project Category Water and Sanitation