Rotary 3131 - Project Details

12-07-2015 - 31-03-2016

This project has been started for creating awareness in general female population about Breast health as well as Breast cancer. Basically we must admit that females feel shy and that is why Breast cancer, although is curable and treatable, gets detected in pretty late stages. This is exactly where our diagnostic camps help. These camps screen the ladies and those at high risk for breast cancer are clinically examined and also assessed using a recent machine called as iBE intelligent breast examination.Also our Rtn Dr Shekhar Kulkarni performs a musical programme alongwith some Breast cancer survivors. This programme is aptly named 'Healing Harmony' and it not only enlightens the public on Breast health awareness but also gives some useful lifestyle tips. An NGO Aastha also helps us in conducting these activities. This year - - - patients were screened inthe diagnostic camps. - - - Healing Harmony performances were done. 4 performances were done in UK also in the month of May. The programmes were attended by an audience of about 5000. Way forward - we would like to expand this project further and cover more ladies under it. Breast Cancer Awareness through Healing Harmony Program (Musical Program). 1. S.M.Joshi hall on 1/9/15, 2. Magarpatta on 22/09/2015, 3. Nivara on 31/10/2015 2000 patient checked in breast cancer awareness 4 camps done.

Project Details

Start Date 12-07-2015
End Date 31-03-2016
Project Cost 222500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 10000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Astha Breast Cancer Support Group
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment