Rotary 3131 - Project Details

18-08-2024 - 18-08-2024

Today Rc Lokmanyanagar & Rc Bhor Rajgad Had Catract Eye Check up camp at Bari Khurd Village Bhor in Collabaration with H V Desai Eye Hospital Mohmadwadi Today 180 Beneficaries were checked out of which 19 Patients were identified for catract operation & near about 100 patients had taken specks our Club members Myself, Rtn Ajay Wagh, Rtn Manoj Bhairat, Dutta Randhive & Akshay More had active participation in above projects.Also Rc Bhor Rajgad President, Seceratary & Other members were in large numbers & Sarpanch of Bari Khurd & taken lot of efforts to bring beneficiaries.

Project Details

Start Date 18-08-2024
End Date 18-08-2024
Project Cost 40000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 3
No of direct Beneficiaries 200
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Bhor Rajgad
Non Rotary Partners RCC of Bare Khurd Vilage ( Yashogatha)
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment