Rotary 3131 - Project Details

11-08-2024 - 11-08-2024

Mega Tree Plantaion was done at Bhuleshwar ( Yevat) by RID 3131 More than 25 Rotary clubs had taken active participation our Members Sagar Nagul,Manoj Bhairat & Wadia Clg NSS Students had actively participated with their 35 to 40 Students & 4 to 5 teachers we had planted more than 100 Trees in Bhuleshwar area

Project Details

Start Date 11-08-2024
End Date 11-08-2024
Project Cost 15000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 3
No of direct Beneficiaries 70
Partner Clubs Other 25 Rotary Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Wadia College NSS Students & Teachers
Project Category Environment