Rotary 3131 - Project Details

20-07-2024 - 20-07-2024

The Rotary Club of Alephata-Main successfully completed a service project, inaugurated on July 20th, 2024, at DMJ & BJ College, Ale, Junnar, aimed at constructing a toilet block exclusively for girls. Led by Service Project Director Rtn. Rajendra Jadhav and presided over by President Prof. Amol Kapase, the project was graced by Chief Guest DGN Rtn Nitin Dhamale. This initiative benefits over 1000 girls from senior college and lady teachers of Dnyanmandir high school and junior college, as well as Balasaheb Jadhav senior college, addressing the pressing need for clean and well-maintained sanitation facilities, particularly for girls from rural areas who comprise a significant portion of the student body.

Project Details

Start Date 20-07-2024
End Date 20-07-2024
Project Cost 350000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 2
No of direct Beneficiaries 1500
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Water and Sanitation