Rotary 3131 - Project Details

03-10-2015 - 03-10-2015

A Couple of years ago with a spate of fatal accidents due to lack of traffic awareness, the DCP Traffic Police - Navi Mumbai had launched a Traffic awareness campaign. The awareness campaign was aimed to reach out to literate people, as in most accident cases it was observed that people from educated backgrounds were involved in accidents. It is unfortunate that literate people do not obey traffic rules, they over-speed, drink and drive. As today’s youth is India’s tomorrow, hence the focus is on young school goers who can effectively imbibe and spread the message of road safety across to their family and neighbourhood. Under the initiative of Rtn.. Sunil Bhatia, President and Rtn. Arti Bhati, Jt. Secy., Rotary Club - Kharghar joined hands with Traffic Police - Navi Mumbai to spread the message of Traffic awareness. The recent presentation at Mother Theresa School & Junior College, Vadgaon Sheri, Pune was in continuation of the Traffic awareness campaign.450 students attended the program. The prime focus is to inculcate the habit of Safe driving by the young school goers whether as a rider or a pillion. The awareness campaign focuses on the 10 commandments, to name a few: • Wear Helmets/Seat belts • Maintain a safe distance between vehicles • Follow road signs • Don't Drink and Drive • Don't Over Speed • Don't SMS/Text/take Calls while driving • Give way to Ambulances and emergency vehicles We as good Samaritans should take this initiative to our neighbourhoods. The event was organized in synch with Rotary Club - Khargarh.

Project Details

Start Date 03-10-2015
End Date 03-10-2015
Project Cost 500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 500
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Khargar
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others