Rotary 3131 - Project Details

11-08-2024 - 26-08-2024

Sports city team planted 162 saplings on 24th August at Satpuda area at Baner hills. This was possible with CSR support from Finastra for 100 Saplings, GSI Engineering for 12 Saplings , CIE Automotiv for 50 saplings . Total value of project being Rs 1.25 Lakh. Sports city has been working on Green Baner Hills project with Vasundhra since last 7 years and has sustainably supported this initiative.

Project Details

Start Date 11-08-2024
End Date 26-08-2024
Project Cost 125000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 400
No of direct Beneficiaries 5000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Finastra, CIE Automotiv, GSI Engineering
Project Category Environment