Rotary 3131 - Project Details

02-09-2024 - 02-09-2024

We had our medical checkup program on 2nd September, Pandeshwar near Saswad. The Medical camp took place with our Medical Van in action in association with Bharati Hospital on the occasion of Shravani Somavati Amavasya. Since many devotees (around 3000 to 4000) visit this age old Pandeshwar Shiv Mandir on this day, this place was the best to have the camp. Also, there was a fair arranged, so many locals flocked to this place.

Project Details

Start Date 02-09-2024
End Date 02-09-2024
Project Cost 50000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 180
No of direct Beneficiaries 2000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Bharati Hospital
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment