Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-07-2024 - 01-07-2024

The Rotary year begins on 1st July. To mark this occasion, some members of the Rotary Club of Panvel Sunrise, along with their families, planted trees. The club's Immediate past president Rtn. Balakrishna Ambekar, along with Ann Vijaya, planted trees in the premises of their housing society. Similarly, Club Literacy Director Rtn Jagdish Barde, along with annet, planted trees in their housing society premises. Club president Rtn.Vijay Goregaonkar, Immediate Past President Rtn Balakrishna Ambekar, and Secretary Rtn. Rupesh Yadav planted trees in the premises of the Nisargopchar Center at Shantivan Nere. The club members will take care of all these planted trees. The club has pledged to celebrate the anniversary of these trees every year.

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2024
End Date 01-07-2024
Project Cost 800
Rotary Volunteer Hours 7
No of direct Beneficiaries 330
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Environment