Rotary 3131 - Project Details

25-07-2024 - 25-07-2024

Distributing high-protein and nutritious food to pregnant women is essential for ensuring their health and the health of their developing babies. DRYFRUITS PACKETS WERE DISTRIBUTED; Here's a detailed approach to the distribution of such foods:Distributing high-protein and nutritious food to pregnant women is essential for ensuring their health and the health of their developing babies. Here's a detailed approach to the distribution of such foods: Identifying the Target Group Community Surveys: Conduct surveys to identify pregnant women in the community who may benefit from nutritional support. Healthcare Providers: Collaborate with local healthcare providers, such as clinics and maternity hospitals, to reach out to pregnant women. Nutritional Needs of Pregnant WomenDistributing high-protein and nutritious food to pregnant women is essential for ensuring their health and the health of their developing babies. Here's a detailed approach to the distribution of such foods: Identifying the Target Group Community Surveys: Conduct surveys to identify pregnant women in the community who may benefit from nutritional support. Healthcare Providers: Collaborate with local healthcare providers, such as clinics and maternity hospitals, to reach out to pregnant women. Nutritional Needs of Pregnant Women Identifying the Target Group Community Surveys: Conduct surveys to identify pregnant women in the community who may benefit from nutritional support. Healthcare Providers: Collaborate with local healthcare providers, such as clinics and maternity hospitals, to reach out to pregnant women. Nutritional Needs of Pregnant Women

Project Details

Start Date 25-07-2024
End Date 25-07-2024
Project Cost 20000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 160
No of direct Beneficiaries 50
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment