Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-08-2024 - 15-08-2024

In honor of India's 78th Independence Day, the Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar visited ZP School, Kalundre, to celebrate this momentous occasion with the students and staff. As part of our ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability, we distributed sweets and durable cloth bags to the children and teachers, encouraging them to avoid the use of plastic. This initiative not only spread joy on this special day but also reinforced the importance of adopting eco-friendly practices in our daily lives. The Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar remains dedicated to making a positive impact in our community through various initiatives that promote sustainability, education, and overall well-being. Jai Hind!

Project Details

Start Date 15-08-2024
End Date 15-08-2024
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 400
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar, Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar Charitable Trust, R.C.C of Asarewadi Panvel Mahanagar, RCC of Openwings, RCC of Sisterhood and RCC of Empowered Women
Non Rotary Partners ZP School, Kalundre, Apla Maharashtra Youtube Channel Bhumi Samrat New Paper Hindu Samrat News Paper Runathon Cycling Club
Project Category Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention