Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-08-2024 - 15-08-2024

On the occasion of 78th Independence Day, Breast cancer checkup camp was arranged at Ashtavinayak Hospital, Super specialty center, Khanda colony, New Panvel west. The breast checkup of women's above 40 years done by female expert with latest advanced machinery. 15 women took the benefit of this camp. The charges for this checkup was taken at the subsidized rate of Rs. 500/- only. It includes free consultation of specialised doctor after receiving the reports. This project carried out jointly by Ashtavinayak Hospital, New Panvel West & RCP Sunrise. On the occasion of 78th Independence Day , cultural event was also arranged by hospital with the lead role of members of RCC Ashtavinayak hospital , which is under formation process by RC Panvel Sunrise.

Project Details

Start Date 15-08-2024
End Date 15-08-2024
Project Cost 1000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 56
No of direct Beneficiaries 15
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Ashtavinayak Hospital, Khanda Colony, New Panvel (West)
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment