Rotary 3131 - Project Details

08-10-2015 - 08-10-2015

On 8th October Rtn Surendra Shroff along with his trainer Ms Nisha, accompanied the Piaggio team to Baramati. We left at 6:30 am in the morning. With a cup of tea at the plant the day began very enthusiastically. Our first event was at Katphal, a village close to the Piaggio factory. Rtn Shroff had carried all the different kinds of bags and material to the location. It was a pleasant sight to see almost 100 women gathered outside the Gram Panchayat building, enthusiastically waiting for the program to begin. After the initial introductions, Rtn Shroff held the attention and enthused the women with his talk for an hour and half. Not only were the women motivated but the men among the crowd came up to him and thanked him for his inspiring talk. Some among the men even made the bag and presented to Rtn Shroff!! Each woman proudly carried home a paper bag presented by Rtn Shroff. A similar event was carried out immediately after the first one in Gojubavi, another village close to Katphal. Parallel to this talk, a "Train the Trainer" program was conducted by Ms Nisha to train 10 women volunteers. The plan is to conduct many more workshops and teach the 400 women of the two villages to make paper bags. They have understood that this will not only generate income for them but also support the environment. Although this was a small beginning, the women of the two villages have realized the importance of banning plastic. On behalf of the Club I would like to thank Rtn Surendra Shroff for taking the paper bag project passionately forward. His effort and enthusiasm is commendable!

Project Details

Start Date 08-10-2015
End Date 08-10-2015
Project Cost 600
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 500
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy