Rotary 3131 - Project Details

12-10-2015 - 12-10-2015

ICT workshop was conducted jointly by Baburao Gholap college and RCP karvenagar. The workshop provided an opportunity for teachers, students and experts in ICT education to share ideas and challenges in bringing qualitative changes to our education system. The workshop was attended by foreign dignitaries who shared their views on the need of integrating ICT in education and emphasized on bringing qualitative change in teaching and learning strategies. Speaking at the event Dr. Tsai Ching Yeh, National Taipai University, Taiwan stressed on developing newer strategic devices such as TPCK and shaping the innovative teaching and learning using ICT. Mr. David Basch, -------, elaborated on use of ICT in corporate sector in managing relationship with customers and their employees. Mr. Rajesh Vartak, Chief Technology Officer and Executive Director SEED Infotech spoke on new age learning technologies such as SMAC and their importance in improving future of Indian education sector. Sachin Ketkar Professor, Maharaja Sayajirao University Vadodara Gujarat spoke on digital revolution and its impact on the study of Literature and culture. Mr. Holger Quel from the U.S.A. insisted on individual wisdom while choosing ICT as a tool in Education as well as Life. The workshop provided an opportunity for the participants to understand and exploit the use of ICT in education and thereby contribute in the development of the country. President Rajendra Kulkarni addressed the gathering supporting the cause . Dr. Maya Mainkar of our club was the key person in organizing and conducting this workshop

Project Details

Start Date 12-10-2015
End Date 12-10-2015
Project Cost 450000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 400
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy