Rotary 3131 - Project Details

21-11-2009 - 21-11-2009

PLEASURES & PAINS OF GROWING UP : Rtn. Dr. Khurshid Bhalla gave an interesting and informative talk to our Interact Lady Hawabai Girls High School. The girls almost 100 of them, though initially shy and conscious soon took to Dr. Khurshid, President Veena and myself and confided their ‘growing up’ problems with us! Most of them admitted that they were not able to discuss such problems with anyone at home. Dr. Khurshid, who works on the upliftment of the Sex Workers, with a kind, motherly smile wrote down medical prescriptions for as many girls as she could. The girls were given few words of advise by President Veena on the problems they could face in the society and how they could handle them. The interaction with the girls gave us an insight of the assistance that the girls of this age could possibly require. The session turned out to be beneficial for the girls.

Project Details

Start Date 21-11-2009
End Date 21-11-2009
Project Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs N.A.
Non Rotary Partners Interact Club