Rotary 3131 - Project Details

30-10-2015 - 30-10-2015

Rotary Club Pune Sinhgad Road is been very active in social field since its inception 1998. Every year lot of service activities are done for society. As a part of Service Avenue, every year rotary international recognizes people of different vocations through clubs who have benefitted society directly or indirectly. RC sinhgad follows RI guidelines and arranges excellence award function every year. This year too President Rtn.Sharad Deshpande. After discussing possible names following names were shortlisted 1) Mr.Mahrendra Ghagre, an environmentalist who has done chandan tree plantation all over Maharashtra which is found very rarely in Maharashtra. 2) Mrs.Pradnya Deshpande who runs a centre for visually blind people and helps them to become self-reliant 3) Mrs. Nandatai Barate: who runs crèche for slum children whose parents work as labor very cheaper Cost 4) Mrs.Swati Saynkar: Principal of Joshi Institute, has taken special efforts for the second class students to get jobs in software corporate The program was attended by large gathering.

Project Details

Start Date 30-10-2015
End Date 30-10-2015
Project Cost 2280
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 4
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others