Rotary 3131 - Project Details

12-12-2015 - 12-12-2015

Yoga Training was conducted in Interact Club Ginnibai Mittal School at Ambegaon. The Programme was attended by 50 boys and 50 girls of 8th and 9th std of the school. This was conducted in two separate batches. President Dr Sunil Patil chaired the meeting and programme started with National Anthem. Rtn Prakash Avachat briefly recapped about the happenings in the previous meeting. Miss Akshada Salunkhe Interact Club Public Image Director introduced Ann Ruta Raje to boys. Ann Ruta Raje demonstrated the warm up exercises for Eyes/Neck/Shoulder/Hands/Legs. Students enjoyed doing these warm up exercises. Ann Raje then demonstrated various Yogasans, which are useful for students. Around 10 asans were demonstrated. Students performed these Yogasans. Ann Raje also explained the advantages of doing each of these asans. This was followed up by Surya Namaskar and Pranayams. The session for boys ended with Om Shanti Om Pathan. Rtn Prakash Avachat explained to students, how these Yogasans are useful to students physical and mental strength. The next session was for Girls. Miss Sakshi Waghmare Interact club Service Director introduced Ann Ruta Raje to Girls. The session was similar. Both sessions were of 45 min duration each. Principal Badade Sir was very happy when he proposed Vote of Thanks. All students were very receptive and expressed their satisfaction to few of the Rotary members present there. The meeting was attended by Rtn Dr Sunil Patil, RTn Arvind Ruikar, Rtn Shrirang Raje, Rtn Prakash Avachat, Rtn Kalpana Patil, Ann Jayshree Ruikar and our Trainer Ann Ruta Raje from Rotary Club of Pune Sahawas.

Project Details

Start Date 12-12-2015
End Date 12-12-2015
Project Cost 1000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs Interact Club Ambegaon School
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -