Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-10-2015 - 15-01-2016

Economically backward girls who have studied only till 8th to 10th standard were selected for this Course of six months. This course was conducted at our own school viz. Anjuman-I-Islam Polytechnic for Girls. The six months course for 15 girls is over and 14 girls have got jobs in the hospitals where they were taking practical training. As for the 15th girl, she got married probably because of this qualification. In our Sat. 21st May Rotary Meeting, Principal, Vice Principal and other staff members as well as the Nurse Teacher and the students are invited. They will explain the details of the Project and you can also hear directly from the girls about their experience. Our Club can be proud to say that we not only taught a trade to only 8th to 10th standard passed 15 girls but also provided them with a job. 15 girls got a job will mean 15 girls will live with honour. Further after the 6 girls complete the course and get a job will mean 21 girls got a job and will live with honour.

Project Details

Start Date 15-10-2015
End Date 15-01-2016
Project Cost 100000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 21
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy