Rotary 3131 - Project Details

23-12-2015 - 23-12-2015

Medical check up camp at Ghorpade Peth In association with Shri Datta Seva Pratishthan, Kadsun Healthcare Pvt Ltd, Lifeline Diagnostic Center and Madhavbaug Check Hemoglobin Check Blood Group Check Blood Sugar Check Blood Pressure Check Eyes Stress ECG 1 month medicines in case of iron and calcium defecienvy

Project Details

Start Date 23-12-2015
End Date 23-12-2015
Project Cost 450000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 300
Partner Clubs NA
Non Rotary Partners Shri Datta Seva Pratishthan Kadsun Healthcare Pvt Ltd Life Line Diagnostic Centre Madhav Baug
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment