Rotary 3131 - Project Details

17-12-2015 - 17-12-2015

RCPD’s 10th EOD program was conducted by Rtn Pradeep Bhai on Thursday 17th Dec for Sangati Jyesth Nagarik Sangh , Paud Road where around 60 senior citizens took oath to donate and actively promote Eye & Organ Donations awareness drive after the presentation. Jitu Mehta was present for Q&A alongwith Balkrishna Karwa. The President of Sangati Jyesth Nagarik Sangh donated Rs. 300 for further promotion of this activity.

Project Details

Start Date 17-12-2015
End Date 17-12-2015
Project Cost 500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 60
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -