Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-07-2008 - 06-12-2009

Environment Project Activity, Our Past President Rtn Raman Khinvasara is regular visitor to Ralegaonsidhi which is @ 80 kms from Pune. During one of his visit he was requested by Shri Anna Hajareji to help decorate & plant trees at place surrounded by Old temple & flowing water. This area is @ 80000 sq ft, our club decided to plant various plants & trees along with paving the area with paving blocks. The cost of project worked out Rs 3.50 lac. This place is used by locals & surroundings people for MASS COMMUNITY MARRAIGES. The Tree plantation & Inauguration of this garden was done at the hands of DG Deepak, IPDG Vilas, PDG Vinay & DGN Pramod on 6th, December, 2009. Around 45 club members, Ann & Retractors were present for the function

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2008
End Date 06-12-2009
Project Cost 375000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs nil
Non Rotary Partners Volentiers of Shri Anna Hajare from village Ralegaon sidhi
Project Category Tree Plantation