Rotary 3131 - Project Details

24-01-2016 - 24-01-2016

On 24th January 2016, 50+ members of the club visited the village near Rajmachi Fort, Khandala, Dist. Pune and distributed 40+ First Aid kits to about 40+ families in the village and nearby areas. The reason was the area is in a remote place and the villagers need to travel more than 15 km. for medical help even for small ailments and first aid. We hope that the kits will be useful for the residents for minor ailment and till the time they get proper medical help. A prior survey was done by some club members to understand the need of villagers in this regard and based on that the project was undertaken. .

Project Details

Start Date 24-01-2016
End Date 24-01-2016
Project Cost 12000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 200
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others