Rotary 3131 - Project Details

07-10-2015 - 07-10-2015

The students were introduced to speakers who shared their knowledge and experiences, which could guide them to take a right path in their career. Topic covered 1) Qualities required for entrepreneurship development by Rtn Shard Joshi. Points discussed to be a good entrepreneur. A) Always want to learn attitude B) Knowledge of the business then start C) Fearless and positive thinking D) Problem solving attitude. E) Take responsibility 2) Schemes for Self employment by Rtn Ramesh Bendre. He introduced the students to various schemes given by central government and public sector banks to start a business. He also explained pros and cons of taking a loan. 3) Marketing and maintenance of accounts by Rtn Raj Gulati He introduced the students with four Ps ( Product, Price, Place and Publicity) which would help them to choose them the right path to develop their own company. The chief guest for this event was a young and dynamic entrepreneur Mr Vipul Shah (MD )of Epione pharmaceuticals pvt ltd. He shared his journey from being a B pharmacy student to starting his own company and problems faced by todays generation entrepreneur. The response from the students and staff of the college where overwhelming. Principal Dr Shirish Ambawadekar also shared with the students his experiences and importance of this event in their life.

Project Details

Start Date 07-10-2015
End Date 07-10-2015
Project Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 250
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -