Rotary 3131 - Project Details

09-02-2016 - 22-03-2016

Education - Distribution of I.E.C. and Playgroup Education Material. Sanitation- The Regular sensitization meetings for regular use of toilets Motivated 08 families /out of 22 for regular use of toilets. The cleanliness campaign of surrounding area started. Community member’s involvement in cleanliness campaign of surrounding area (15 members) / Formation of Sanitation Committee of 08 Members (03 Female and 05 Male) Health and Hygiene- Healthy Habits General Medical Health Check Up Camp on 22/03/2016 Total Population covered – 45 Male – 11 ; Female – 19; Children – 15 (1-10 years) Social Entitlements- Adhar Card service (Unique Identification Number) Total 86 people got benefitted (Male-20, Female-28, Boys-24 and Girls-14) Acknowledgement receipts handed over to all Support from Grampanchayat (for place and Xeroxing the documents of beneficiaries) With ADHAR , The Rationing Facilities /Bank Account Opening is now possible JCB support from Grampanchayat for leveling the ground for Tree plantation 02 Tree plantation per house with the support of Grampanchayat Voter ID , Adult Education Activity Repairing of houses –Preferences to those Using regular toilets Tarpaulin support for huts, Motivating people for using Toilet, Regular Cleanliness of surrounding Area- to be monitored by the Community Sanitation Committee

Project Details

Start Date 09-02-2016
End Date 22-03-2016
Project Cost 80000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 300
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Coop Switzerland, Ristic AG Germany, Cameron International LLP Mumbai, & Implementing Partner Sosva Training And Promotion Institute (STAPI)
Project Category Basic education and literacy, Disease prevention and treatment, Maternal and child health, Water and sanitation