Rotary 3131 - Project Details

16-05-2016 - 18-05-2016

Project Salumbre Project on Integrated Water Management System at Gyan Prabhodini Vidhyalaya, Salumbre School is currently a High School and are adding 11th and 12th Standards with approx 700 students. They have 4 RDEP sets which they are utilising effectively. RCPA has fitted a Water Filtration Plant a few years back and we recently got the Filter replaced. School is very progressive and are running other activities for overall development of the students. They have several Skill Development Programs for students to get exposure to other occupations. Sudhir and me visited the school in March and discussed the programs where RCPA can support. The Principal identified Water Harvesting as one such Project. The school gets water from a river which is about 200m away. Due to development in the area , the river is slowly getting polluted. The area gets sufficient rainfall but most of it runs off. Last week , we made another visit along with Rtn Satish Khade , Chairperson Water Projects for District 3131. Rtn Satish is a fountain of ideas and we conceptualised this project. The school is built on a 10 acre land and includes school building , a nursery and fruit tree plantation. Project includes elements of Water Harvesting , Water saving and Water Literacy.The Project can be done in phases : Phase 1 : Digging of trenches and creating natural stream and water body Phase 2 : Borewell and harvesting of grey water Phase 3 : Watering of the plantation through Diffusion Beneficiaries : In addition to the school , the neighbouring villages will benefit with recharging of existing open wells and increase in water table. The students will be involved in the project and will learn about this critical resource. The school management is very progressive and receptive to bring improvements. We have installed an RDEP and Water Filtration Plant in this school. The school Principal helped us to identify Kachrewadi village for our Toilet block project . We have had contacts with the school for the last 4 years. We can engage with this school for future potential Projects of rebuilding Washrooms ( including waterless urinals ), sports facilities , additional RDEP and a working dispensary This will be the first Water Harvesting Project for us and we can duplicate this in other villages and schools Water is a critical resource and we will make sustainable impact in the community with Water Projects PHASE I COMPLETED - Amount spent 2 Lacs

Project Details

Start Date 16-05-2016
End Date 18-05-2016
Project Cost 800000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 16000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Water and sanitation