Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-09-2015 - 22-04-2016

Objective: To project Public Image of the Club to target communities Scope:short video of about 4-5 minutes covering the current main focus areas of the Club, so that it makes an impact on the viewer. Key was to get the visuals of our beneficiaries and their genuine responses about RCPC. Process:A supplier partner was selected after a team effort who could deliver us a real quality product at target costs The logistics of shooting at different locations with various club members was worked out and completed within 3-4 months. These included our Paper bag project, eye care, cancer, CSR projects, as well as our back office and the weekly club meeting. Several existing visuals of our critical Next Generation projects were used. Then, several sessions were spent on editing the raw footage and the first video draft to get eventually the end product. Team work and high standards in RCPC has always been something we have been proud of-this video is a good example of the same. Result: video acclaimed by our members and viewers alike. Forward Path: Up-gradation at regular intervals The link to the video is enclosed..

Project Details

Start Date 01-09-2015
End Date 22-04-2016
Project Cost 200000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 99999
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others