Rotary 3131 - Project Details

05-06-2016 - 05-06-2016

Teacher Driven, Technology enabled, Value Based and Result oriented model of Education is need of the hour especially in rural schools. Lack of Employability a major social issue facing Indian Youth today. We have to deal with students coming from diverse backgrounds, variable IQ/Intelligence levels as well as financial backgrounds. Real Challenge before Schools is to make a better student out of each one of them. This is a Real challenge for all teachers and this is where use of Technology tools such as eLearning needs to be understood. We have invested Technology enabled eEducation and lead by Teacher involvement and training in 33 schools in Pune and Raigad District

Project Details

Start Date 05-06-2016
End Date 05-06-2016
Project Cost 2300000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 8000
Partner Clubs RC Indapur, RC Bhigwan, RC Panvel Ind Town, RC Pune Tilak Road, RC Manchar, RC Shikrapur, RC Daund, RC P Far East, RC Chakan Airport, RC Mangao, RC Hadapsar, RC Kalamboli
Non Rotary Partners J W Dandekar
Project Category Basic education and literacy