Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-03-2016 - 03-03-2016

RCPS visit to Tirupati - some of our club members visited Tirupati for the Tirupati Balaji darshan which was a holy cause.But again the members never forget to visit their local Rotary Clubs.All of them also visited RC Tirupati & received information about their projects.Tirupati club has single-handedly taken up the project of setting up a crematorium. This project costs aroun 1.5 crores. out of which they already have raised over 60 lakhs. RCPS members contributed 11000 to support their endeavour. It was a very inspirational and spiritual visit. The Tirupati club president also introduced us to the Kalahasti temple trustee who is a rotary president RCPS will be supporting Tirupati club by way of guidance in Global grant and showcasing this in Rotary world.

Project Details

Start Date 01-03-2016
End Date 03-03-2016
Project Cost 11000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 40000
Partner Clubs Tirupati club
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others