Rotary 3131 - Project Details

04-06-2016 - 04-06-2016

It was decided in the BOD meeting to give the Vocational Excellence Award to Social Activist Smt. Vidya Bal. As per the directions of the District the Award is to be given to the awardee by going to her residence or to the office. So the programme was arranged at the residence of the editor Smt. Geetali. who is the editor of the magazine "Milun Sarya Jani". The award was handed over to Smt. Vidya Bal. at the hands of DGN. Rtn. Abhay Gadgil. The team consisting of Smt. Geetali, Smt. Neena Bhedasgavkar, Smt. Sushama Datar, Smt. Manasi Ghanekar, Smt. Shashi Bhate, Smt. Sukhada Dravid and Smt. Girija Godbole was present. A. G. Rtn. Mukesh Supnekar was also present. The President welcomed all the guest by giving bouque. Rtn. Abhay Gadgil gave the importance of Vocational Excellence Award. Smt. Vidya Bal took the review of the social work done by her so far.The programmes was followed by High Tea.

Project Details

Start Date 04-06-2016
End Date 04-06-2016
Project Cost 25000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -