Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-05-2016 - 01-05-2016

Handing over of Toilet block- Bahuli School The formal function of Handing over the Toilet block for Bahuli School under the Global Grant Scheme by Rotary Club of Pune Metro took place on 1st May,2016. Library for school & Laboratory for students was set up under Global Grant scheme, Headmaster Andure Sir introduced RCPM President Kiran. Pres. Kiran spoke briefly on the subject o Rotary International. Secretary Varsha stressed the need to make the maximum utilisation of the resources given under the Global Grant to the students of the school. Rtn PP Neelkant outlined the concept of the Global Grant . Phadke Sir also addressed the gathering. Bhau Bhagat, a school trustee, gave his solemn promise of utilising the resources given to the school and thanked the Rotery Club of Pune Metro for their efforts. PP Rtn Anil Joshi, Rtn Makarand Phadke, Rtn Dr Maya Tulpule, Rtn Harsha, Ann Shubhada Joshi , Ann Shubhada Joglekar were also present. Rtn Harsha Proposed the Vote of Thanks.

Project Details

Start Date 01-05-2016
End Date 01-05-2016
Project Cost 500000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 1000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -