Rotary 3131 - Project Details

03-06-2016 - 03-06-2016

THREE rotary clubs in association with POONA CLUB held an exceellent event with an aim to promote ROTARY PUBLIC IMAGE & kathak among people, the Poona Club and Rotary Club of Poona Airport, Far East and Pune Uptown organised 'NrityaMalhar', a solo Kathak Recital showcasing Dr. Poorva Shah, a young and promising Kathak Dancer of the Lucknow Gharana. Poorva who is also a dermatologist and a trained classical vocalist is a disciple of the well known kathak and odissi exponent Guru Smt. Yogini Gandhi and has been learning with her for more than 20 years. Her guru's graceful style is reflected in her dance ! She is also currently seeking guidance from Mamta Maharaj ji, daughter of Padmavibhushan Pt. Birju Maharaj ji. NrityaMalhar was a solo Kathak performance with live accompaniment. Poorva was accompanied by Shri. Nikhil Phatak (Tabla), Shri. Manoj Desai (Harmonium & Vocals), Shri. Sunil Avachat (Flute) and Nayantara Parpia (Padhant). She Began with an invocation to Lord Shiva, 'Shiva Stuti', the first shloka from the natyashastra. Following which was 'Taal', wherein she showcased the technical aspect of Kathak through traditional bandishes of the Lucknow gharana which includes the intricate footwork and the well known chakkars. She was much appreciated by the audiences for her excellent interaction, and her poetic explanation in chaste Hindi and English and recitation of the syllables. Following the 'Taal', within the Abhinaya aspect, she presented a traditional piece composed by Pt. Bindadin Maharaj Ji, 'Jhoola', describing the romance between Radha and Krishna and beauty of the monsoon. As Poorva performed this piece with much grace and expression, describing each detail of the monsoon including a piece showing peacocks dancing, she literally evoked the rains ! Although the performance had reached a crescendo it then had to come to an end due to the rains but she left the audiences asking for more ! EVENT WITNESSED BY more than 200 persons rotary members & Poona club members HORDING OF THIS EVENT WAS DISPLYED AT ENTRY GATE & IN RECEPTION AREA OF POONA CLUB FEW DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT which generated lots of enthusiasm & was seen by more than 2000 people .Thus improving ROTARY PUBLIC IMAGE

Project Details

Start Date 03-06-2016
End Date 03-06-2016
Project Cost 95000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 200
Partner Clubs Rotary clunb of Pune Far East Rotary club of Pune UPtown
Non Rotary Partners POONA CLUB MEMBERS
Project Category Others