Rotary 3131 - Project Details

25-10-2015 - 25-10-2015

We have got RCC at Mahalunge village. There was lot of dirt and grass grown on the main roads and cross roads of the village, so we carried out swachhata abhiyan with the help of Achalare Realtors and the gram panchayat at Mahalunge The population of Mahalunge village is 10000, The population of newly formed ownership schemes is 6000, the population per day moving on the Mahalunge Ghotawade Road is 2000, so for a month the population is 60000. So the total number of beneficiaries is 76000. The cost of the project :- 1. Cost of zadu, hand gloves, caps, masks and lunch is Rs. 45000 to be bared by Achalare Realtors. 2. Cost of cold drinks, tea etc. for 200 people is Rs. 5000 which is to be bared by RCP Ganeshkhind. 3. The cost of the tractor with trolley...12 trips... Rs. 1000 per trip so total is Rs. 12000 to be bared by gram panchayat Mahalunge. Total cost of the project is Rs. 62000.

Project Details

Start Date 25-10-2015
End Date 25-10-2015
Project Cost 62000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 81000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Achalare Realtors and Gram Panchayat Mahalunge.
Project Category Water and sanitation