Rotary 3131 - Project Details

08-04-2016 - 08-04-2016

Vocational Excellence Award for women to encourage the dynamism in them Award was given to Ms Sangita Sadaphule who has had a dynamic leadership career and has performed in a multi-cultural environment requiring high technology and business skills. Striving for continuous Improvement with the use of practices like Lean 6 Sigma, Value Stream Mapping, Kaizen, Rapid Problem Solving, Quick product development, Ms Sangita combines astute strategic, engineering and management skills in successful handling of Plant Operations. She is progressive, decisive and innovative and her experience is highly valued for interpreting corporate vision and strategy, translating objectives into actionable plans. Known for being highly experienced in project management and setting up of green and brown field projects and new product lines, she has worked as Director Operations in Bekaert Mukand Wire Industries Pvt Ltd. She has worked as Managing Director in Bekaert Carding Solutions Pvt. Ltd and as General Manager Operations in Bekaert Industries Pvt. Ltd and had worked as Heat Treatment Engineer in ZF Steering Gears India Ltd.

Project Details

Start Date 08-04-2016
End Date 08-04-2016
Project Cost 25000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 5000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -