Rotary 3131 - Project Details

14-09-2011 - 14-09-2011

Our Service Projects (Medical ) team has conduct Hb check up camp at कर्मवीर भाऊसाहेब हिरे हायस्कूल ,लक्ष्मीनगर ,पर्वती ,पुणे. on 14th September , 10 am onwards. Hb check up was done for 172 girl students and Iron tablets will be given free of cost (through District) to the anemic students.

Project Details

Start Date 14-09-2011
End Date 14-09-2011
Project Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Health Care