Rotary 3131 - Project Details

30-07-2016 - 30-07-2016

Health RYLA was organized for the Interactors of Shri Shivaji Maratha High School. Dr. Govardhan Ingale gave detailed information on different types Sports Injuries. What should be done to prevent injury and what should be done as First aid after the Sports injury to prevent major damages. Dr.Jayshree Panjikar Explained how Eyes get strained and how the eye Muscles require few strain relieving exercises to avoid damage and Myopia. Simple 5 Exercises were taught to the students, like Blinking, Palming, Figure of Eight, Zooming and Near and Far alternate focusing. Besides how one must keep eye clean and splash water after stressful work was also brought home. Both sessions were very interactive programs where each student actually stood up to show how he would do the exercises or take part in helping an injured sportsman.

Project Details

Start Date 30-07-2016
End Date 30-07-2016
Project Cost 600
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 1500
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment