Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-08-2016 - 31-05-2017

To conduct a series of sessions for training ofprimary school teachersfrom schools run by Pune Municipal Corporation for mathematics using Universal Active Maths- “MathLab” concept Objectives of the project: - To reduce the rate of “Drop Out” students from primary schools run by Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC), - To enable and arm teachers with advanced teaching skills using Universal Active Mathematics method and MathLab kits to improve their teaching abilities. Need of the project: Fear ofmathematics in students’ mind is known and this phobia is to be removed at early age. Students will be informed utility of mathematics to drive away fear. Teachers will be trained in effective methods which generate interest amongstudents. Scope of the project: The project will broadly involve following activities - No. of primary schools selected (run by PMC):150 - No. of teachers to be trained:1,200(8 primary teachers per school) - No. of batches:30X3 days each, plus 30X2 1-day follow-up workshops with gap of 6 months - Provide MathLab Kits:300 (2 kits per school) - Assessment of training (process, effectiveness & other parameters)throughfeedback At the end of the project,all 1,200 trained teachers will use acquired expertise year after year. Description of the project: - Navnirmiti Learning Foundation (NLM) will impart the training to all the teachers using “MathLab” concept. They have developed a pool of subject matter experts, who will conduct these trainings. - Selected teachers will undergo a three day extensive training session in a batch of 40 teachers at a time, and 2 one-day follow-up sessions after a gap of 6 months. - RCPP will act as coordinating body between school authorities, education dept., teachers and NLF to plan, & execute training program.

Project Details

Start Date 01-08-2016
End Date 31-05-2017
Project Cost 3400000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 1200
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Pune Muncipal Corporation; Navnirmiti Learning Foundation (NLM)
Project Category Basic education and literacy