Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-11-2016 - 15-12-2016

‘Human Milk Bank’ is a less popular but very important need of the society. Premature babies are seen fighting for their lives in NICUs. India ranks 36th out of 199 countries surveyed for premature births. Total 3.6 million babies are premature born out of 27 million new born in a year and 303600 babies die due to premature birth complications. In spite of well equipped facilities and capable medical help, they need their mother’s milk as a basic need for their survival. Awareness of milk bank is an important need for tomorrow’s healthy society.

Project Details

Start Date 15-11-2016
End Date 15-12-2016
Project Cost 100000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 400
Partner Clubs RC Dehu Road
Non Rotary Partners PCMC Doctors' Association
Project Category Maternal and child health