Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-01-2017 - 26-01-2017

It is a hard fact in rural / under developed areas that school girls during menstrual stage tend to drop out / leave from schools and / or continuous absenteeism causing irreparable damage to their education and carrier growth, due to lack of separate toilet blocks for girls, proper sanitation facilities, menstrual hygiene management and disposal. At Rotary Club of Bibwewadi Pune, we have realized this important fact and have endeavored to support the cause by providing Shri Ramrajya Primary and Secondary school (A school located in rural part) with a separate Toilet Blocks for Girls, Menstrual Hygiene Management. The other important way of maintaining personal hygiene of students at school is to have a regular hand wash before and after having food. A hand washing unit under the WINS (Wash in Schools) program was installed to facilitate the students to adopt good hygiene practice.

Project Details

Start Date 01-01-2017
End Date 26-01-2017
Project Cost 75000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 2000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Water and sanitation