Rotary 3131 - Project Details

30-09-2021 - 29-06-2022

Waste in form of Plastic/Metal/Glass/E-waste is collected from various places in Thane, Navi Mumbai and Panvel areas once a month on a scheduled day. The transport for collection is managed by Samarth Bharat Vyaspeeth. This waste is transported to a plant at Kopri, Thane for segregation. Waste is segregated into Plastic, metal, Glass and E waste. Plastic is converted to Fuel at the plant. Rest is recycled by different agencies. Money generated from it goes to ladies’ staff who segregates the waste and also to Thane Signal School project. Venue: Various designated spots are created for different location and time schedule is informed in advance. One of the centers for collection is our Rotary Community Center, Sector 18, Plot 19, New Panvel provided by Rotary Club of Panvel Industrial Town Charitable Trust. Twice a month the transport vehicle comes to collect the waste. Our club has encouraged Rotary members, Inner Wheel members, Rotaract members and friends to avoid throwing the waste in the general Municipal Waste. This helps in Recycling and Reuse saves environment Total waste collection: E waste and plastic waste collected till june – About 2.5 Tones The project initiated by our club from 21st August 2021 and it is since in progress

Project Details

Start Date 30-09-2021
End Date 29-06-2022
Project Cost 170000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 2500
No of direct Beneficiaries 9800
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Prajakta Shah – Panvel Waste Warrior Samarth Bharat Vyaspith Thane Municipal Corporation
Project Category Environment