Rotary 3131 - Project Details

04-12-2023 - 04-12-2023

An skit in Carmel High school Pen was conducted in the assembly to spread an awareness towards :- Love for humanity, Accept all religions and Respect them, Avoid Conflicts and Spread Peace, Right to education to every child was enacted by the students. The main objective to organise a skit in the assembly was not only to address maximum number of students but also.... Having diversity and inclusion will improve the balance of opinions, views in any setting. A well-balanced world will accept different opinions and reduce fears towards differences. A well-balanced world can also improve the average cultural competency in the society. Peace building is important to ensure people feel safe in their communities. Maintaining peace building allows for economic and social development. Introduction Peace and order is an essential ingredient in maintaining economic development, social order and political stability. A condition of peace and order facilitates the growth of investments, generates more employment opportunities and attracts more tourists. Education is a fundamental right of every child, which is essential for their growth and development. The importance of education cannot be overstated, as it enables children to acquire knowledge, skills, and values that are necessary for their personal and social development.

Project Details

Start Date 04-12-2023
End Date 04-12-2023
Project Cost 500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 5
No of direct Beneficiaries 2000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy, District Thrust Area, Economic and Community Development, Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention