Rotary 3131 - Project Details

10-01-2024 - 10-04-2024

Happy School Project GG 2351907 2 schools were upgraded under this grant funding ZP School Velu Gender segregated Toilet blocks, Compound wall , Safety Grills , Painting , Civil improvement to lobbies and class rooms , electrification Computer Lab , Science lab upgraded , library books with cupboard donated and computer lab flooring done In second school , Mhalunge Madhyamik Vidyalaya we ungraded 5 classrooms with new roofing , plastering , increasing the height of classrooms, flooring and polishing , electrification , Science Lab Counters and sink with water connection established , Science material upgraded, Library books , 3 computers were donated and complete external painting of the school building , paver blocks fixing done for stage area . Cost of the USD 43060 (Rs. 3599430.61)

Project Details

Start Date 10-01-2024
End Date 10-04-2024
Project Cost 3599431
Rotary Volunteer Hours 500
No of direct Beneficiaries 500
Partner Clubs Global Grands
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy