Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-12-2023 - 23-01-2024

Date: 23-01-2024 Rotary Club of Mahad, in collaboration with Hon. MLA Mr. Bharat Shet Gogawale, organized a heartwarming event to donate an automated electric wheelchair to a deserving teenager in need. The event took place at Mahad 0n dated 23-01-2024 The beneficiary, a teenager facing mobility challenges, received the wheelchair with immense joy and gratitude. The automated electric wheelchair is expected to significantly improve the quality of life for the recipient, providing increased mobility and independence. The Rotary Club of Mahad and Hon. MLA Mr. Bharat Shet Gogawale played a pivotal role in making this donation possible. Their commitment to community service and philanthropy was evident in their efforts to positively impact the life of this young individual. The recipient expressed heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the thoughtful gesture. The generosity of the Rotary Club of Mahad and Hon. MLA Mr. Bharat Shet Gogawale has not only provided practical support but has also brought smiles and happiness to the beneficiary and their family. This event serves as a shining example of the Rotary Club's dedication to service above self, fostering positive change in the community, and making a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need. The collaborative efforts of the Rotary Club of Mahad and Hon. MLA Mr. Bharat Shet Gogawale have undoubtedly made a lasting difference in the life of a teenager facing mobility challenges.

Project Details

Start Date 15-12-2023
End Date 23-01-2024
Project Cost 65000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 276
No of direct Beneficiaries 1
Partner Clubs No
Non Rotary Partners Amadar Bharath sheth Gogavale
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy