Rotary 3131 - Project Details

02-10-2015 - 02-10-2015

Today 2nd October15,is Mahatma Ghandhi Jayanthi", As decided in meeting,we have organised the "Swachh Bharath Abhiyan",at Pune Railway Station. it was a joint project with Railway staff, PMC, workers,and Spit free india group,Pune. Our Honarable Guardian Minister Shree Girish Bapatsaheb was the chief guest for the function. Our President was felicitaed in the hands of Honarable Guardian Minister Shree Girish Bapat.We have donated dustbins, flowerpots, to pune railway station ,we distributed 3500 leaflets of cleanliness awareness message to public.Ngos - PMC and Spit free india has joined us, this group performed a flash mob dance. we felicitated the workers from PMC Pune and railway Workers.Once again RCPH members dedication and continuous support is marvellous in today's service project.

Project Details

Start Date 02-10-2015
End Date 02-10-2015
Project Cost 45000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 15000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners pune municipal coporation,Spit Free India group and Pune railway staff
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment